Serving Your Machinery Needs
Equipment Type
Braber Rotary Cutter
Bomford ProCut
Multihog Combi Plough & Brush
Bomford Debris Blower
Multihog CX 75 MK II
Bucher CityCat 5006 Sweeper
Bomford Turner Triwing Mower
Bomford Turner Flailbot
Multihog CX75 Sidewalk Maintenance Vehicle
Multihog MXC 130 Multi-Purpose Vehicle
Bucher E35M Sweeper
Bomford Bandit
Your Machinery Needs
Rollins is the largest supplier of mobile equipment to municipalities and private contractors in BC.
Rollins is the largest supplier of mobile equipment to municipalities and private contractors in BC. We offer the widest range of products that service a vast number of industries including: Refuse & Recycling, Sewer & Water, Street Sweepers & Roadside Mowing, Farm & Agriculture and Golf & Municipal Turf Mowing. Come EXPLORE and learn about our various lines and how our products can improve your business!