L320 Skid Steer
L320 Skid Steer
Rollins has a L320 Skid Steer in stock at our Chemainus location. See below for key features and specifications:
- Tire Options: 12 x 16.5 Premium (70 OTW)
- Buckets: 66″ Low Profile Extended
- Bolt on Cutting Edge: 66″ Bolt on Cutting Edge
- Block Heater: Block Heater
- Cab Environment: Hvac Cab
- Cab Seat: Suspension Seat (Vinyl)
- Cab Side Windows: Cab Side Windows
- Complete Cab: E-H Cab LCD Display
Please note: Specifications may vary. Please always confirm specifications with your Rollins Salesperson. Stop by or give us a call for more information.
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MakeNew Holland Construction
StyleSkid Steer
Stock NumberN33564
Serial NumberJAF0L320APM451197
Year 2023