L318 Skid Steer
New Holland L318 Skid Steer
Rollins has a L318 Skid Steer in stock at our Chilliwack location. Below are some of the key features and specifications of this skid-steer
New Holland Control/SSL Packages:
- Tire Options: 12×16.5 Premium (70 OTW)
- Buckets: 72″ Low Profile Bucket
- Bolt on Cutting Edge: 72″ Bolt on Cutting Edge
- Block Heater
- Cab Environment: HVAC Cab
- Cab Seat: Air Ride Suspension Seat
- Controls Level: 2 Speed Mechanical Controls
Please note: Specifications may vary. Please confirm all specifications with your Rollins Sales Representative.
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MakeNew Holland Construction
Style Compact Tractor
Stock #N33579
Serial #JAF0L318JPM452062